Made of polyamide, most kinetic straps stretch 20—30% of their length - used to extricate a severely bogged down vehicle from sand or mud.
Contact Form
If you need any further product information, have any queries or are if you're looking for advice, please contact us using the information below or the contact form.
Tel National: 0861 040506
Tel International: +27 (011) 792 5226
Fax National: 0861 040507
Fax International: +27 (011) 792 5660
Physical Address:
Unit 21, Acacia Industrial Park
17 Arbeid Avenue
Strydom Park
View Google Map to the SECURETECH showroom at Special Industrial Supplies
Postal Address:
P O Box 1358
North Riding 2162
South Africa
Cell: +27 83 251 4312